
The ELIANT Alliance

The co-workers and supporters of the European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy – ELIANT, seek to make a civic contribution towards improving the quality of life and cultural diversity in Europe. The motto for our work comes from Goethe’s Fairy Tale: ‘The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily’:

‘One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right time’ (J. W. von Goethe)

Human dignity and individual development are core values of the European culture. In order to realize these values politically, the European civil society not only needs the democratically guaranteed freedom of choice. Rather, it needs the availability to choose from a variety of choices – especially in the areas of parenting, education, healthcare, and different forms of medical substances and therapy. Our options in these areas are clearly limited. What is accepted in one country is often not recognised elsewhere in the EU. This also applies to some of the cultural initiatives that have grown out of Rudolf Steiner’s applied Anthroposophy during the course of the 20th century.

In order to maintain the variety of choices in each country and make this effective throughout Europe, the umbrella organisations representing the initiatives of applied Anthroposophy have come together to form the ELIANT Alliance.  Together with partners who share similar objectives they seek to strengthen value focused and ecologically minded projects and cultural initiatives in Europe.



AnthoMed is a non-profit organization with the aim to safeguard and develop the quality of Anthroposophic Medicine.


Anthroposophic Books, Online Libraries & Retailers

Anthromed Library
Tel.: 00 1 734 930 9462

Rudolf Steiner Press

Tel.: +44 (0)1342 824433

Rudolf Steiner Archive and e.Lib

Floris Books
Tel.: +44(0)131-337 2372

Temple Lodge Publishing

‘Anthroposophy and Science’

Child Health, Healing Plants in Anthroposophic Medicine


Dr. David McGavin

Anthroposophical Medicine