
Non-Medical Advice & Help

PAFAM can help you in finding anthroposophic doctors, nurses, associated therapists such as for Rhythmical Massage, Eurythmy, Music, Speech and Painting, as well as providing more general access to information about anthroposophic medicine itself.


As a member you will receive the bi-annual Newsletter, full of information about the latest developments with regard to anthroposophic medicines, therapies and individual doctors, as well as topical articles by contributors from across the medical spectrum.


Do you value the choice in being able to choose Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies? If your answer to this question is ‘yes’, then by joining PAFAM you are supporting your chosen medicinal pathway, underpinning its available not only for yourself, but also for others and future generations.

Your Voice

Becoming a member of PAFAM will help affect the decisions made by governments and legislators about the availability of medicines. The more members we have, the greater our impact when we lobby government to change and or adapt existing or future legislation. Together we can work towards maintaining:

  • the individual freedom of choice to choose
  • Anthroposophic Medicine
  • the availability of all Anthroposophic Medicines and Therapies for the present and future generations


PAFAM has an ongoing dialogue with health professionals, meetings with doctors, therapists and Weleda UK, to familiarizing itself with legislation and current issues.

In addition, PAFAM works together and shares information with EFPAM, the European Federation of Patients and Friends Associations for Anthroposophic Medicine.

Our voice will only be as loud as our membership!

When it really matters, it will be the number of people who are using Anthroposophic Medicine that counts – the voice of PAFAM will only carry weight if these same people are members of PAFAM, as the aims of this patient and friend’s organization can only be achieved together.

We appreciate the commitment of all our members to the work of PAFAM, and would urge you to consider joining PAFAM if you value this work too.

PAFAM exists to help support the availability of choice, in respect of Anthroposophic Medicines and Therapies, FOR YOU.